Optimizing Healthcare Delivery with an Interactive Referral Dashboard
In revenue
At a glance
Capturing and understanding referral data to optimize performance and elevate patient care.
Pariveda designed and developed an interactive referral dashboard with data visualization to track metrics between departments and external sources.
The ability to filter data helps stakeholders quickly evaluate and understand metrics and develop action plans for future strategic success.
Tableau and AWS
MedicalGroup* is a thriving nonprofit healthcare system with seven hospitals staffed by 22,000 physicians and support personnel.
Maintaining a robust referral network is critical to fulfilling MedicalGroup’s goal of providing exceptional care. To best serve their approximately 400,000 annual patients, the organization needed a user-friendly way to track incoming and outgoing referrals.
The Challenge
MedicalGroup’s referral system lacked organization-wide visibility and transparency.Â
Without clear KPIs, important metrics weren’t effectively tracked to support goals and objectives related to patient care and organization growth. MedicalGroup partnered with Pariveda to develop a referral dashboard that accurately tracked the most valuable data and standardized it across hospital locations.
The Result
How Pariveda instilled confidence in referral data:
- Defined data sources and designed an automated data pipeline.
- Developed dashboards with drill-down views in Tableau.
- Defined key metrics with a clear data reference dictionary and conducted a series of formal training sessions with documentation.
The Impact
The dashboard provides visibility into current performance, seasonality, effects of natural disasters, and overall trends at the organization, specialty, department, YTD, and monthly levels. This information yielded essential insights into the patient experience, including average appointment wait time and appointment outcomes.
With Pariveda’s help, MedicalGroup can easily see and understand referral performance and adjust to improve patient treatment.
*We value our client’s privacy, so we have altered their name. The outcomes we achieved with them are genuine.
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