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Turning Match Day Dreams Into Realities

Client: NRMP®

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Applicants to match

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NRMP® had outgrown its infrastructure and needed to evolve to maintain its system’s performance and security—especially during peak business events.


Pariveda helped migrate NRMP® to the AWS (Amazon Web Services) cloud with significant and long-lasting process improvements.


NRMP® now has a dependable, secure, and adaptable platform, which continues to take advantage of AWS services.

The National Resident Matching Program (NRMP®) is a private, nonprofit organization with a twofold mission: match healthcare professionals to graduate medical education and advanced training programs through an orderly and fair mechanism; and provide meaningful and accessible match data and analysis to stakeholders.

Each year, NRMP® helps more than 44,000 applicants match to more than 37,000 available training positions in their Main Residency Match®. The mathematical, computerized algorithm used by the NRMP® has gained international recognition and aligns the preferences of applicants with those of program directors to produce the best possible outcome for filling training positions available at U.S. teaching hospitals.


The Challenge

Pariveda helped NRMP® leverage AWS to meet challenging customer demands.

NRMP® adopted a private cloud architecture in 2012. Between 2012 and 2016, the number of residency positions in their Main Residency Match® grew by 14% and applicant registrants grew by over 10%. As these numbers climbed year-over-year, it became clear that NRMP®’s cloud adoption strategy would need to evolve to maintain the system’s performance and security during peak events when system availability and reliability were vital.

The Result

How Pariveda helped provide more reliable performance during peak business events, reduced operating costs, and achieved greater maintainability and security:

The Impact

NRMP® currently enjoys highly reliable, secure, consistent, and repeatable performance during peak business events and all year long. The organization continues to evolve its platform and has developed additional products leveraging AWS services.

With Pariveda’s help, migration to AWS made an enormous difference for NRMP® in both improved reliability and preparedness.

Learn how we deliver on the essential, strategic needs that enable companies to sustain a resilient and impactful business.

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